Who we are

Freelancer Magazine is the first publication created by and for Freelancers. Launched in 2021 by Matt Heller, Freelancer Magazine was founded on a single basic premise: the future is freelance. Seeing the trends of the 21st century unfold from the financial crises of 2008 to the rise of remote working technology to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no denying we would evolve in any other way. The growth of the freelance workforce would accelerate and soon become the new normal.  Despite this fact, many people, freelancer or not, still don’t understand how to freelance, or even what it means to be a freelancer. They don’t know that freelancing is, in many ways, a return to normal, to the way we humans worked for most of our history before the industrial revolution. Freelancer Magazine is here to remedy that.​

If the future is freelance, then freelancers are the future. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves to help create as many lasting and productive members of the Freelance community as possible. We want to educate those within and without the community on freelancing’s past, present, and future, and to promote freelancers and their abilities to business leaders across the globe.

Getting You Smarter, Faster

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